What Would Steve Jobs Do?

Imagine a cool, tropical breeze blowing through your hair as you sip the beverage of your choice in your own private cabana upon the shore of your dream destination. Now open your eyes and look at your screen. Don’t spend any more time with difficult, tedious API codes that even the late, great Steve Jobs would scratch his head at – assuming Steve Jobs would ever waste his time with APIs. Buying the same black turtleneck over and over takes time. Turtlenecks or APIs? What would you choose?

The good news is that you won’t have to choose. You’ll be able to integrate Allied Wallet’s services in no time. You or your customers can be accepting credit cards in less than 24 hours. Our APIs are simple and to the point. All you have to do is take the codes that you need for your site’s functionality and input them into your script. Lastly, e-mail us that it’s done. We’ll review to make sure everything is on point, then you’ll be live.

Allied Wallet takes it a step further. We know that development and design can take a long time, sometimes even longer than expected. Are you pressed for time? Are you tired of the project? Allied Wallet will take the site and integrate your APIs for you at no additional charge. Nothing is more aesthetically pleasing than low-cost overhead and recurring profits. Integrate websites with Allied Wallet and you just might be enjoying a cool, tropical breeze blowing through your hair and across your new black turtleneck.

Integrate your websites with Allied Wallet and collect residual, percentage-based profits as the merchants processes payments. You’ll have no additional workload and no maintenance, just a payout coming your way. Turtlenecks and tropical drinks or APIs and mind-numbing things, it’s your choice. Allied Wallet makes it easy. Will you make it easy on yourself?

Check out our newly placed APIs on our site and see the simple codes you’ll place in your scripts.

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