1. Overview
381808 uses operations of a SOAP service over HTTP/HTTPS to integrate for transactions (including settlement, void, refund, chargeback, etc. capabilities).
SOAP is a specification designed to allow systems to integrate with each other without knowledge of the language, operating system or engine behind the remote system.
It is based entirely from XML and is widely used in many languages. The operations of this service and their parameters are detailed in the following document. A WSDL is accessible with each operation which can be useful for integration and allowing the operation to be strongly-typed.
SOAP integration packages for common development languages are available in Appendix A.
Before you will be able to submit transactions to 381808, you will need an 381808 merchant account for your website. Once you have a merchant account established, 381808 will supply you with a MerchantID and a SiteID. These IDs uniquely identify your websites, customers, and payments.
2. Service Information
The merchant web service is accessible at the following URL:
The WSDL description is accessible with the following URL:
SOAP requires a namespace for all operations. The namespace is as follows:
3. Service Operations
The ExecuteCreditCard and ExecuteCreditCard2 operations are used to process a Credit Card purchase.
ExecuteCreditCard and ExecuteCreditCard2 are exactly the same, however ExecuteCreditCard2 allows the merchant to pass in a MerchantReference field. The MerchantReference field is used as a Merchant tracking reference, ex. Invoice ID.
The ExecuteCreditCard and ExecuteCreditCard2 operations are used to process a Credit Card purchase.
PreauthorizeCreditCard and PreauthorizeCreditCard 2 are exactly the same, however PreauthorizeCreditCard 2 allows the merchant to pass in a MerchantReference field. The MerchantReference field is used as a Merchant tracking reference, ex. Invoice ID.
3.1. ExecuteCreditCard
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=ExecuteCreditCard
3.2. ExecuteCreditCard2
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=ExecuteCreditCard2
The following fields are parameters for the ExecuteCreditCard and ExecuteCreditCard2 Operations.
Field | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
MerchantID | Merchant reference ID supplied by 381808. |
Guid | Required |
SiteID | A site reference ID supplied by 381808 for each of your websites. |
Guild | Required |
IPAddress | The customers IP address. If no IP address is available an empty string can be passed. | String(16) | Optional |
Amount | The total amount of the transactions. Shipping Amount + Item Amount total. | Decimal | Required |
CurrencyID | Standard ID for the currency type you are collecting. Common types accepted by 381808 are: • USD – US Dollars | String(3) | Required |
FirstName | First Name | String(50) | Required |
LastName | Last Name | String(50) | Required |
Phone | Phone Number | String(20) | Required |
Address | Address | String(100) | Required |
City | City | String(30) | Required |
State | State | String(20) | Required |
Country | Country | String(2) | Required |
ZipCode | Postal Code | String(10) | Required |
Customers email address. | String(64) | Required | |
CardNumber | The credit card number. | String(16) | Required |
CardName | Name as it appears on the credit card. | String(50) | Required |
ExpiryMonth | An integer 1 through 12. | Integer | Required |
ExpiryYear | A four digit integer. | Integer | Required |
CardCVV | String(5) | Required | |
MerchantReference | This is only required for the ExecuteCreditCard2 operation. | String(50) | Optional |
3.3. PreauthorizeCreditCard
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=PreauthorizeCreditCard
3.4. PreauthorizeCreditCard2
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=PreauthorizeCreditCard2
The following fields are parameters for the PreauthorizeCreditCard and PreauthorizeCreditCard 2 Operations.
3.5. Capture
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=Capture
Field | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
MerchantID | Merchant reference ID supplied by 381808. |
Guid | Required |
TransactionID | The Transaction ID returned by the PreAuthorizeCreditCard operation used to create the transaction. | Guid | Required |
3.6. Refund
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=Refund
Field | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
MerchantID | Merchant reference ID supplied by 381808. |
Guid | Required |
TransactionID | The Transaction ID returned by the ExecuteCreditCard operation used to create the transaction or the Transaction ID of a captured PreAuthorizeCreditCard transaction. | Guid | Required |
3.7. Void
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=Void
Field | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
MerchantID | Merchant reference ID supplied by 381808. |
Guid | Required |
TransactionID | The Transaction ID returned by the PreAuthorizeCreditCard operation used to create the transaction. Only PreAuth transactions that have NOT been capture can be voided. | Guid | Required |
3.8. RepeatTransaction
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=RepeatTransaction
Field | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
MerchantID | Merchant reference ID supplied by 381808. |
Guid | Required |
TransactionID | The Original Successfull Transaction ID. | Guid | Required | Amount | The Amount for this transaction. | Decimal | Required | CurrencyID | Standard ID for the currency type you are collecting. Common types accepted by 381808 are: • USD – US Dollars | String(3) | Required |
3.9. BatchShipping
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=BatchShipping
Used for uploading tracking information for shipped products.
Field | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
TransactionID | The Original Successful Transaction ID. | Guid | Required |
ShippingAgent | The shipper. Ex. UPS, FedEx | String(50) | Required |
TrackingNumber | The tracking number assigned by the shipper. | String(50) | Required |
3.10. PartialRefund
URL: https://service.381808.com/Merchant.asmx?op=PartialRefund
Field | Description | Type | Required/Optional |
MerchantID | Merchant reference ID supplied by 381808. |
Guid | Required |
TransactionID | The Transaction ID returned by the ExecuteCreditCard operation used to create the transaction or the Transaction ID of a captured PreAuthorizeCreditCard transaction. | Guid | Required |
RefundAmount | Amount of the refund | Decimal | Required |
5. Return Fields
3.1. ExecuteCreditCard
3.2. ExecuteCreditCard2
3.3. PreauthorizeCreditCard
3.4. PreauthorizeCreditCard2
3.5. Capture
3.6. Refund
3.7. Void
3.8. RepeatTransaction
3.9. PartialRefund
Appendix A. SOAP Integration on Common Platforms
The following is a list of SOAP integration guides and packages for common platforms and
languages which can be used to integrate with the gateway.
PHP package plus documentation
Available at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/nusoap/
Perl SOAP::Lite:
Perl package available via CPAN
Available on CPAN or: SOAP-Lite
Already integrated as part of the language
ASP SOAP Toolkit 3.0:
Available for download from Microsoft Available at:
Please contact the technical department if you have any difficulties integrating so that our
staff can assist you.
Appendix B. Response Codes
Status | ||
0 | Declined | The transaction was declined by all processors. |
1 | Approved | The transaction was approved. |
2 | Error | An error has occurred while processing the transaction. |
3 | Pending | The transaction was not completed at this time and may be completed in the future. |
4 | Scrubbed | The transaction did not pass the scrubs required for this merchant and as such could not be processed. |
State | ||
0 | Sale | A sale indicates an authorisation and settlement was performed together |
1 | Pre-Authorization | A pre-authorisation indicates the amount has been reserved by the issuing bank on the customer’s card but has not yet been sent for settlement to the merchant account. This requires a settlement or void transaction follows. |
2 | Settlement | A settlement indicates that a previously preauthorized transaction has now been sent for settlement to the merchant account. |
3 | Void | A void indicates that a previously pre-authorized transaction has been voided and instructs the issuing bank to no longer reserve the amount on the customer’s card. |
4 | Refund | A refund indicates that a settled transaction has been reversed and the amount has been credited back to the customer’s account. |
5 | Chargeback | A chargeback indicates the customer has disputed the transaction with their issuing bank and has forced a reversal of the transaction with collaboration of the merchant bank. |