CEO Andy Khawaja of Allied Wallet, a globally leading provider of mainstream online payment processing, was recently featured on Forbes in an article that encourages international e-commerce to promote more sales for business owners.
Dr. Andy Khawaja’s Forbes article titled “How To Cater Your E-Commerce Business To A Global Audience” takes note of the international trade issues that we witnessed in 2018 and the tariffs that were imposed.
His Forbes article states that in August, “Business Insider said that the total amount of taxed goods between [the United States and China] had risen to $106 billion and further escalated the trade war between them.”
Business Insider reported that “the U.S. is also preparing tariffs on another $200 Billion of Chinese goods and “if those tariffs go through, more than 50% of all Chinese imports to the U.S. would be subject to tariffs.”
Dr. Andy Khawaja made note that this is somewhat beyond our control, but that we can bridge borders with international trade despite international trade issues.
“While we can’t fully control the tariffs that our respective countries will ultimately put on trade goods, we live in a day and age where the internet can connect people on every continent, in nearly every country, in almost any dialect,” Dr. Andy Khawaja said in Forbes.
Dr. Khawaja’s expertise with Allied Wallet and global e-commerce renders him as a seasoned expert in the space. He encourages business owners to offer their products globally and gives a few tips to those who plan to take advantage of the global marketplace.
His tips in Forbes give an overview on how to cater to a global audience, how to globalize your website, how to leverage social media and influencers, and how to update your logistics to improve your customer experience.
Dr. Khawaja strongly believes that entrepreneurs and consumers from all over the world can benefit by opening their e-commerce borders.
He told Forbes readers, “…open your company up past your country’s borders and see what extraordinary success you may have at your fingertips.”
Read More Here.
About Allied Wallet:
Allied Wallet continues to revolutionize the e-commerce industry by introducing new and innovative payment processing solutions for online merchants, enabling them to send and receive global payments. With PCI compliant merchant services for nearly any business size, Allied Wallet provides a state-of-the-art payment gateway to optimize online transactions. Please visit www.alliedwallet.com.
A.J. Almeda