Los Angeles, CA: Allied Wallet, a globally leading provider of online credit card processing, multi-currency merchant services, and a PCI Level 1 secured payment gateway, is now a supported online payment provider of Spreedly. Allied Wallet forecasts that this partnership will increase business by 29% in quarter three of 2015.
Spreedly’s service allows merchants to accept credit cards and process them through a variety of different payment gateways; and as of June 2015, Spreedly merchants will have the option of choosing Allied Wallet’s payment gateway solution.
Upon integrating with Spreedly, customers of several shopping carts will now have the option of using Allied Wallet including Chargebee, Subscribe Pro, Cart 66, and CrateJoy. Spreedly allows merchants to create their own payments infrastructure.
Allied Wallet has a 98% approval rate and a proprietary fraud list that protects merchants while enabling them to attain as many positive transactions as possible. By including Allied Wallet in their payment infrastructure, merchants can experience an increase in sales of roughly 30%.
“Spreedly processed $50 million in credit card transactions in December of 2014, which is fantastic,” said CEO Andy Khawaja, “…if the integration with Allied Wallet is properly leveraged, I wouldn’t be surprised to see that number double by the end of 2015. Allied Wallet sees a higher percentage of successful transactions than any other online payment processor in the world. We’re happy to partner with Spreedly and we look forward to mutual success.”
Spreedly’s integration with Allied Wallet provides their merchants access to 196 countries around the world, giving them the opportunity to accept payments globally. This partnership should prove to be highly beneficial to both parties, generating increased sales in Q3 and Q4 of this year.